as mark twain put it: 'twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do. so throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sails. explore. dream. discover.'

Wednesday 12 May 2010

thunderbirds are go

today chris showed robert his thunderbirds dvd so he can get an idea of what it's all about as he's never seen it before. i think he liked it. i think that's the general theme for the island - tracy island kind of thing, full of cool toys. i can't divulge too much of the plans as it's all so exciting and i want you to be all dying of suspense.

we still haven't had a good sighting of perhaps the crocodile (i've name him perhaps due to his elusivity (that's a new word i've just invented)). we did see a big iguana with a yellow and black stripy tail, and another thinner iguana next to him, in the back yard. there are also in the yard these big holes, i figured they were just weird holes for whatever reason, but if you look in them there's ginormous crabs down there - felipe (one of the workers) says they're good to eat.... i'm not gonna risk putting my hand in one of those holes though to try and get one out for dinner.

talking of dinner we went to a restaurant called celebrity last night for dinner. robert and i had gone in there last year trying to sell them some aerial photos, but they weren't interested and it seemed to be run by a turkish mafia gang. i was pleased to find another of my preconceived belize-based ideas was wrong, and that they are actually very friendly and the food is good. i had snapper and potatoes and a beer - the waiter giggled when i ordered my beer, perhaps because i'm a girl and it is a strange thing to order a beer. i asked robert why is he laughing at me, but robert didn't know either. i had been panicking about dinner as i figured chris might start kind of interviewing me as i have never actually been interviewed for my island managing job - robert had when he came out in february. i had been preparing interview style answers all day in my head, and breaking out into a sweat at the thought of it all. none of that happened, as is 99% the case with things i worry about (like planes falling out of the sky, rabid dogs biting me, earthquakes, tsunamis etc - you name it, i've worried about it - i think i inherited mum's worrisome gene).

i'm worried too that i've been a bit repetitive on my blog, i hope not. in case i haven't mentioned it, here is the situation so far - we'll be living in belize city until the house here is completed, then we'll move to the placencia house and finish a few things there, then we'll renovate the main house out on hatchet caye (tracy island), and in between this we'll start marketing the resort and robert will start flying ultralights which will also be a good way of spreading the word and getting to meet resort owners we could do package deals with. we should be out on the island with the resort up and running by january now - the sea wall construction and dredging will take a while.

i will get a bike somehow in the meantime and do some riding - it's been 2 weeks since i got here, and i've done no exercise in that time. my excuse was it's too hot and no one except mad people would go out running in it - but i saw a lady running past the mexican food place, and one running along our road, so bang goes that excuse, as they didn't look mad. KT was saying how her and all her family were certified (in the context of telling us a diving story and meaning they were certified divers), and barbara (chris's english girlfriend) said do you realise that in england that means that you're all insane? once KT went on a night scuba dive and was looking at all these amazing sea glow worm things in the sea, and when she got out she found they had all stuck to her and it took her 4 days til the last one was out of her hair. gross. i'm never going diving. apparently the sea glow worms come out the night after a full moon.

today it rained a bit, we were in habet and habet, a hardware store, getting some paint and plywood, so we avoided it. i haven't had chance to wear my nice new rain coat yet, i'm determined to wear it in the next downpour we get because it's so nice and it was half price. when you go to habet and habet, a man in the carpark points out where he wants you to park, then gives you a ticket and you get it stamped by the store to prove you went there. at scotiabank there's a car park pointing man too, he gets quite irate if he points you to a space and you go to another one. we once parked in what he said was the managers' space - robert said we're more important than the managers, we're the customers. he wasn't having any of it and made us move. the best was at benny's hardware store we drove up on a new bit of their forecourt and the 4 of them that were sitting around dozily suddenly leapt up and pointed us back down to the other bit of carpark. one was so mad i thought he'd have a cardiac arrest. i guess they take their jobs seriously sometimes in belize.

we're going out to hatchet on friday with the groceries, this'll be my first time there. apparently they have high speed internet so i'll try to post some pics whilst there. we will meet the workers and the cook that we get the groceries for, so that'll be pretty exciting.

i have played my guitar some more, i am learning wonderful tonight by eric clapton, it's going well so far. if i get good i'll do some concerts on hatchet caye.

going to take KT to the airport now, chris and barbara left this morning, so it'll just be me and robert, and the 2 iguanas, and perhaps the crocodile, and the workers. we might go for a pizza tonight, we found a pizza place round the corner, plus they're working in the kitchen sanding all the woodwork down so we can't really cook today. which is fine with me.

let me know how the cameron clegg machine is getting on. hasta luego picolitos x

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